Space is Huge

We are a spec in the grand scheme of things, a dust particle in the wind, a single pale blue dot in the universe and even our own galaxy.  The amount of things we have never seen and places we could go is extraordinary.  People have only ever lived on this tiny blue dot we call Earth.  This makes me want humanity to take to the stars and start exploring the many places we have never seen.  What got me thinking about this is the amount of progress that has gone into traveling to Mars.  With new technology, it could be possible to get to Mars in about a week.  This is groundbreaking stuff and makes me hopeful for what could be possible in the future.  Could we try to reach other solar systems, possibly discover other life.  Earth has become small and familiar to people and we are overdue for some real exploration and discovery.  Also with the ever growing human population on Earth, we will need some other places to live.  We will also eventually run out of resources on Earth also, so we are in need of new places we can get our raw materials.  So many problems in the future could be fixed with proper space travel and then the possibilities are endless.  New civilizations on other planets, corporations based on space mining, new famous explorers, maybe finding new life, creatures or even intelligent lifeforms other than ourselves.  Imagine the crazy new worlds out there and all the possibilities.  If humans are to continue to advance, it should be towards the stars, for it is our new frontier.               


  1. I'm guessing that Tesla launch made your day? And, to take your reflection further, I wonder if instead of reaching out, we might reach in? There is so much here on Earth to love and cherish and nurture; are we making the most of it? Genuinely concerned :)

  2. Thinking about space makes me think way too much. Usually to the point of paranoia. It's humbling and scary at the same time when we realise how small we are compared to the rest of the universe(s). Even how insignificant we are as individual human beings, let alone as a whole species. It makes me think about other life that is out there and how advanced some of them are. With this direction we as humans are taking with space travel, I believe we will eventually reach another planet with life. As exciting as it is, only time can tell how that will turn out.


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